Montenegro company registration steps without visiting Montenegro

Montenegro company registration steps without visiting Montenegro

Montenegro company registration steps without visiting Montenegro

No Personal Visit

Company registration can be done remotely, without coming toMontenegro. Just sign and send us the documents.

A foreigner can have every Montenegro company incorporation procedure facilitated without having to travel to the country. Professional company incorporation agencies come in handy. You can send the agency the relevant details/documents via email. Payments can be made via PayPal or bank transfers.

An agency handles the paperwork, sends back original documents for you to sign then you can send them back via courier. The only time you might need to be physically present is during the bank account opening formality though it depends on the bank you select.

As a foreigner, there are some factors to consider in this context:

Hire a professional agency

The law requires you to engage a professional agency when registering your business


You don’t need to apply for special visas if you wish to manage the company from a different country. However, you can use a visitor visa if you need to attend to critical business matters in Montenegro. When in the country, you’ll need to operate with a local director. Most professional agencies can appoint a nominee local resident director.

Permit residence

If you plan to relocate and manage the company in Montenegro, you’ll need to apply and qualify for an Employment Pass or Entrepreneur Pass. With the passes, you can act as the local resident director for your company.

Remote incorporation is ideal for those who want to run their business from overseas.

Steps that you must follow for the successful establishment of companies with remote Montenegro.

Step 1

We will prepare a POA for you. All you need to do is legalize or apostille and send us the original copies

Step 2

We will translate it, legalize it, and certify it in the state of  Montenegro.

Step 3

Completion of company registration. We will prepare all the documentation in your name and register the company in Montenegro. You will be a 100% founder and CEO of the company.

We can perform all necessary tasks remotely.

With our online system, we can incorporate your company without being in Montenegro. 

However, please note that Montenegro banks will require you to visit Montenegro and meet with them face to face to open a corporate bank account. To establish a bank account, most of our customers plan a visit to Montenegro after incorporating the company.

Company without arrival

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